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5 Reasons to Build Your Content Library Now

There are many methods to write a proposal. A popular approach is to copy and paste from past proposals to create a new one using your favorite sections. Or you might use an old template that was created years ago with outdated content that you update every time you send it out. Let’s not forget the wait-until-the-last-second-and-frantically-type-everything approach. 

No matter what group you fall into, rest assured that there is a better way that takes much of the stress out of proposal writing. That is: using a content library. 

What is a Content Library? 

A content library is a repository of all of your main proposal content (also called boilerplate) that you can use within each proposal. A content library is normally centrally located so anyone writing a proposal can access it, and it is the source for the most up-to-date and best content to include in your proposal. 

Why you need one now…

If you don’t have a content library for your proposals, it’s time to implement one! Every large, successful sales team has some sort of content library, and it’s essential to continuing to grow and sell. A few additional reason to set up your content library include: 

It will save you time

With a content library, you no longer have to find past proposals to grab that perfect piece of content that you used six months ago. A key part of maintaining a content library is to update the content regularly as newer, better content is written, and that means that you can trust it to always have the most up-to-date information. You will spend less time searching for the right words to use and more time focusing on closing the deal. 

It will make personalizing proposals easier

Personalization is an important part of proposal writing. Every customer wants to know that you understand their unique situation and can solve their challenges, and it’s important to describe all of this in your proposal. If you’re spending most of your time drafting the proposal itself, however, then you won’t be able to devote time and resources to connecting with the customer. Your content library gives you a starting point to work from for customization, making your final content more appealing and persuasive to the customer. 

Reduce errors

The copy-paste method of proposal writing is the perfect way to continue including the same errors again and again in your proposal. Whether it’s a grammatical mistake or an awkward phrase, you don’t want to continue to make those mistakes each time. In the worst cases, some companies have copied over a past customer’s name and sent it out in the new proposal. Not a situation you want to encounter. 

Your content library should always be edited and approved by a team of experts to ensure there are no errors. 

Alignment across the sales process 

When your sellers are sending out proposals to customers, it’s easy for different messages to be conveyed. With a content library, you ensure your company is always presented in a way that aligns with your overall objectives and goals. It also takes the pressure off the sales team to learn how to write effective proposals and allows them to focus their energy on what they do best: building relationships. 

Improved, strategic responses to RFPs 

RFPs are hard in any situation, and without a content library to pull from, you’ll find that deadlines tick away at a scary speed. With a content library, you can have a first draft created in a matter of days and use the rest of your time to work on your win strategy. 

Next Steps

Now that you know why content libraries are helpful, it’s time to start creating yours! Jot down the most common sections you use in proposals, and develop content for each that you can store in your content library. Once everything is edited and finalized, share with your team and watch your proposal process become much less stressful.

Download the *FREE* Technical Proposal Writing Playbook to improve your proposals today!

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