Posts tagged proposal support
4 Key Traits of Successful Proposals

Each time a new contract award is announced, you may be wondering, “How did they do that?” 

Whether you keep losing to the same competitor, your win rate is lower than you like, or you send out proposals only to never hear back, it’s easy to start thinking that maybe there is some secret key to winning proposals that you’re missing. 

Fortunately for you, winning proposals tend to have a few traits in common, no matter the industry or if they’re for RFPs or not. 

Keep reading for the four most common traits of successful proposals! 

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Should I Hire a Proposal Writer or Do It Myself?

There comes a point for every B2B business where you have too many proposals on your plate and not enough time to do them all. The natural next question is: Should I hire a proposal writer or keep doing this myself?

If you’re struggling with that question now, let’s take a look at your options to determine what is a best fit for your company.

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How to Choose the Right Proposal Support

Unless you are a proposal writer, your main skillset isn’t likely in creating proposals. Because of this, it can sometimes be a good idea to bring in proposal help to make sure your potential clients receive your best possible proposal. In this post, we look at a few example scenarios of when you might need help and the types of support that would be a best fit.

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