Posts tagged proposal stages
The Simplified Shipley Process: 4 Key Steps to Win in 2025

One of the most recognized proposal processes is the Shipley Proposal Process. The Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) recognizes Shipley as a top process and offers certification on it.

While it is an excellent process used by many major organizations, for some smaller teams, Shipley can be overkill. If your team consists of only a handful of people (or maybe even just you) and you respond to fairly simple RFPs, then the full process may cause more pain than benefit. 

That’s why we follow a simplified version to reap the benefits without having to fill out a robust team with more meetings than are needed.

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Responding to RFPs: What's keeping you from getting started?

With huge revenue potential, RFPs can be a very appealing option for many businesses. You search for the perfect RFPs, save the due dates, and add them to your to-do list to get started. 

And before you know it, the due date passes with no proposal submitted.

If this has happened to you, don’t worry. RFPs can be overwhelming and challenging to complete. While they sound great in theory, in practice it takes a lot of energy to actually respond to the RFP (and even more to win!).

Below are some of the most common challenges companies face that make getting started with RFPs difficult.

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Should I Hire a Proposal Writer or Do It Myself?

There comes a point for every B2B business where you have too many proposals on your plate and not enough time to do them all. The natural next question is: Should I hire a proposal writer or keep doing this myself?

If you’re struggling with that question now, let’s take a look at your options to determine what is a best fit for your company.

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The Go/No Go Decision: 13 Strategic Questions to Win RFPs

Whether you respond to RFPs or not, a clear Go/No Go process is essential to ensuring you don’t spend too much time on proposals that aren’t likely to win. Figuring out how to make that decision is the hard part, however. To help make it easier, here are thirteen questions you can ask to help you decide if you should send out the proposal.

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The Winning RFP Response: Process, Strategy, and Tools

Whether you’ve been invited to respond to an RFP or you found the posting online, coming across an RFP for a project that aligns with your business goals is an enticing prospect. RFPs are typically for large projects, and those large projects mean more revenue and often a better bottom line. While the opportunity might be tempting, there’s often just one thing standing in the way: how do you actually create a winning RFP response?

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Common Signs Your Proposal Process Needs Improvement

Sending proposals to customers is often a high stakes activity. Most have hard deadlines, the potential for tough competition, and the pressure to win a new contract for the business. A clear and repeatable process makes it easier to create winning proposals. If you haven’t updated your proposal process for a while, it may be time to take another look.

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