Posts tagged proposal team
What is a Proposal Strategy Meeting (and why you need it!)

When a customer asks you to send a proposal–whether it’s for an RFP or not–it’s easy to jump ahead to pricing and slap together a basic overview for your proposal.

But taking a moment to pause and think through your strategy can be the difference between winning the contract…or not. 

That’s where the Strategy Meeting comes in. 

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12 Key Traits of Successful Proposal Writers

Over the past decade I have met countless proposal professionals. Most have a love/hate relationship with proposals – a love of putting together a winning proposal and a hatred of the constant deadlines, red tape, and stress that comes with working on projects with so much money on the line. 

Many people stick with it though because once you get the hang of it, proposal writing can actually become fun. 

If you’re waiting for that day to happen, or you’re hoping to hire a proposal writer who sticks around, below are a list of the most common traits I’ve encountered in successful proposal writers, and tips on how to develop these traits on your own.

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My Biggest Proposal Horror Story (and how to avoid the same mistake)

On a random November Wednesday many years ago I learned that a rainy day in Vegas is not the same as a rainy day in the Midwest.

That particular Wednesday was the due date for the largest proposal I had worked on up until that point. Estimated at $20 million per year with 4 optional renewal years (a total of five years), it was a lot of money, and a lot of work.

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Should I Hire a Proposal Writer or Do It Myself?

There comes a point for every B2B business where you have too many proposals on your plate and not enough time to do them all. The natural next question is: Should I hire a proposal writer or keep doing this myself?

If you’re struggling with that question now, let’s take a look at your options to determine what is a best fit for your company.

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What Types of Proposal Support to Hire Based on Your Proposal Process

Whether you’re just getting started with proposals or you’ve created hundreds, odds are, you’re going to need help at some point. What many organizations don’t consider, however, is the type of proposal support that is best suited for your process. Before you create a job posting for a proposal writer or hire a proposal management firm, review the below to see what would be the best fit for your organization.

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