Posts tagged sales team
My Biggest Proposal Horror Story (and how to avoid the same mistake)

On a random November Wednesday many years ago I learned that a rainy day in Vegas is not the same as a rainy day in the Midwest.

That particular Wednesday was the due date for the largest proposal I had worked on up until that point. Estimated at $20 million per year with 4 optional renewal years (a total of five years), it was a lot of money, and a lot of work.

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Questions to Ask During Your Proposal Kickoff Meeting

It’s easy to have the proposal kickoff meeting to be focused only on assigning tasks and aligning on schedule. However, since this is often the one time where the whole team is available, it is the perfect opportunity to dive into your proposal strategy. Whether you use the kickoff call for establishing your strategy or you have a separate meeting, below are a few key questions to address to make sure you’re positioned to win.

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How to Get in Front of Buyers

If you’ve done much reading about proposals, then you know you are significantly more likely to be successful if you build a relationship with the buyer before they release the RFP. While this may sound great in theory, you might wonder: how do you actually do that?

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