Posts tagged RFP Win Rate
What is a Proposal Strategy Meeting (and why you need it!)

When a customer asks you to send a proposal–whether it’s for an RFP or not–it’s easy to jump ahead to pricing and slap together a basic overview for your proposal.

But taking a moment to pause and think through your strategy can be the difference between winning the contract…or not. 

That’s where the Strategy Meeting comes in. 

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BTS: Creating a WINNING Proposal Against an Aggressive Competitor

A couple years into consulting, I had a client approach me who was concerned about a very aggressive competitor who was pursuing a contract that my client had held for ten years. The contract was a huge part of their business, and the competitor had been doing all of the right things to win over the customer–holding frequent meetings, conducting demos, meeting with all types of stakeholders, etc.

My client knew that if they didn’t create an outstanding proposal, they might lose the contract and have to rework their business.

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Winning vs Losing Proposals: The Missing Piece

“How do I show buyers why we’re a better choice than our top competitor?” 

When it comes to proposals, this question is asked again and again.

You may have done everything right. Checked off all of the boxes from the RFP. Met with the customer. Created engaging graphics. Developed a sound pricing strategy. 

But for some reason, they continue to win while you continue to…not. 

In these cases, there is often one main reason why your competitors are winning over you.

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The Proposal Writing Secret Used by Your Top Competitors

The sales process is fraught with challenges.

From securing a meeting with an ideal client to determining the best pricing to creating a winning proposal, there always seems to be just one more step to be completed before contracts are signed. 

But when it comes to sales, there is one secret that nearly every successful company uses: 

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12 Key Traits of Successful Proposal Writers

Over the past decade I have met countless proposal professionals. Most have a love/hate relationship with proposals – a love of putting together a winning proposal and a hatred of the constant deadlines, red tape, and stress that comes with working on projects with so much money on the line. 

Many people stick with it though because once you get the hang of it, proposal writing can actually become fun. 

If you’re waiting for that day to happen, or you’re hoping to hire a proposal writer who sticks around, below are a list of the most common traits I’ve encountered in successful proposal writers, and tips on how to develop these traits on your own.

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Responding to RFPs: What's keeping you from getting started?

With huge revenue potential, RFPs can be a very appealing option for many businesses. You search for the perfect RFPs, save the due dates, and add them to your to-do list to get started. 

And before you know it, the due date passes with no proposal submitted.

If this has happened to you, don’t worry. RFPs can be overwhelming and challenging to complete. While they sound great in theory, in practice it takes a lot of energy to actually respond to the RFP (and even more to win!).

Below are some of the most common challenges companies face that make getting started with RFPs difficult.

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Am I ready to respond to government RFPs? Answered.

Winning a new government contract can dramatically boost revenue for many small businesses. In order to win those contracts, however, you often have to go through the government procurement process, which means responding to RFPs. If you are struggling to determine if you’re ready to start responding to government RFPs, read on for a few key questions to ask to determine your next step.

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